Vaginal Steaming for Postpartum Recovery

After giving birth to my son in June of 2016, my period returned 5 months later, despite the fact that I was exclusively nursing him. The return of my period was painful with quite severe cramping, and a very heavy flow but I was also rationalizing that it was my first period in a year and a half, and so soaking through a pad every hour or so, for a few days was normal-right? No. Let’s be clear, soaking through a pad an hour for ANYONE is not normal. I was experiencing a painful uterine cleanse of clots, and old brown blood because I had never fully gotten rid of the and residue that was left after childbirth.

Some of you may be reading this, and thinking “that sounds like my periods!” So let’s go over what a healthy period looks like*:

-Every 28 days

-3-4 days of flow

-Beginning and ending in bright red blood

-Very mild to no cramping

-Free of odor

*If your period looks/feels different than these indicators, please feel free to reach out to me directly for more information regarding what could be specifically causing your symptoms/restoring your own personal menstrual health.

Every month when we get our period, it is our body shedding its’ uterine lining, along with an unfertilized egg, carried out of the body with blood released from our uterine artery. Our period is a cleanse! It is a completely healthy and vital role of our reproductive system. Following childbirth, our body has 10 months worth of lining and residue get rid of, and steaming can be a powerful tool in aiding this cleanse.

Steam has the ability to penetrate through up through our cervix, into our uterus and essentially lubricate the walls, aiding in the release of the lining, old tissue (lochia), and old blood. By aiding our body in this process, we can:

-Reduce chance of infection

-Reduce postpartum contractions

-Help Uterus return to size

-Help clear out all old residue, so when period eventually returns, it will be healthy!

In addition to aiding in the release of old blood and lochia, a recent preliminary trial conducted by The Fourth Trimester Vaginal Steam Study came to the following conclusion around the additional benefits of steaming postpartum:

-Rapid reduction in Fundal Height (uterine position post-birth)

-Aids in healing of Labia

-Reduction in discomfort from healing sutures

-Reduces Uterine Contractions

-Positively effects blood pressure and weight loss

-Aids in rapid healing of hemorrhoids

For more information and an in-depth analysis of this study, please visit their WEBSITE

Beyond the findings within this study, we also know steaming to have a very calming and relaxing effect on the body. This relaxation can result in the release of Oxytocin, the ‘feel good’ hormone that is know to enhance milk supply, and improve mental/physical health.

When my period returned a mere 5 months postpartum, my body was very clearly working hard to get rid of old residue and blood that was never fully eliminated after birth. Vaginal steaming is a powerful tool all women should know about and practice their entire reproductive lives, and is particularly powerful as a form of healing postpartum.

I work with women to create a protocol specific to their own reproductive history/birth. Postpartum steaming can begin as early as 4 days postpartum (depending on your birth and symptoms), and help the mother to create ritual and space around her own healing body. I encourage all of you to seek out a vaginal steam practitioner, and explore the ways it can benefit your reproductive system/healing postpartum body.

For more information regarding vaginal steaming, practices, herbal blends, and The Fourth Trimester Study, please contact me directly, or head on over to the Steamy Chick Website!